[Personal message from Patsy to all his fans and friends]


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The Helix Revisited (Special Olympics 2003)

As you know, Patsy played the Helix last night and he was quite impressed, considering the quote we got from him:

Jaysus, it was unbelievable! It's a huge place and it is beautiful. One of those venues where you can not see all of your audience against the spotlights because of the sheer size of the place, with several balconies and sidewings and all. I was just there with Brian [The Furrier Furlong], a banjo and a guitar was all we had, and when we sang The Ferryman or The Rare Auld Times, everybody in the arena joined and sang along. We had a fantastic reception and I had to shake so many hands that I'm not sure if I can play the banjo tonight! And I'm happy that I could add my support for this cause [the Special Olympics]

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