[Personal message from Patsy to all his fans and friends]


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Florø Nights (3)

This is the third installment of our Florø Nights series, again showcasing great pics by Per Jappee! The lads made the headlines already upon arrival - Firdaposten reported (calling them 'Old Heroes' and displaying another photograph from the airport):

They can be counted as veterans at the Herring table, and they are looking forward to this evenings concert. The group have been together for 43 years, and are with other words well co-ordinated. This Friday evening they will serve us with Irish folk music both during the herring table, and outside in the backyard of the Quality hotel.

Patsy himself, being rather busy with more Dubliners promotional work, still could be called for a short comment:

Great, great people. Cool weather (that's why we played with the jackets on). Beautiful scenery. Lovely!

Large images of all 4 shots pictured in our gallery!

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