[Personal message from Patsy to all his fans and friends]


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Back At Vicar Street 7/7/7

A longish lean period has come to an end, the fall tours are looming with a handful of selected summer gigs of which we gladly tell you about.
On 7th July, the Dubs were back at Vicar Street; so was, it seemed, half of the world. Ria Voet from Belgium sent in a lovely report you shouldn't miss and which we enriched with a series of photographs. Highly impressed by the evening, she is unsurprisingly happy in her review:

We were sitting so closely to the stage that is was possible to make eye-contact with the Dubliners. It felt like participating in a gig for family and friends

Click here to read the full review: 7 July 2007 - Vicar Street.

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