News | News Index | News Archive April 2008: Boyband In Esbjerg
On JydskeVestkysten, Dorthe Dyhrberg reports about the Danish gig in Esbjerg on 25 April 2008, opening with the comment that the "best boyband" was in town and the assurance that it had been a great evening: When Barney McKenna gets up on stage and sings “I wish I had someone to love”, every single person gets tears in the eyes.[...] The great concert ends with “Whiskey in the Jar” like nobody else can play this song. It’s just the real The Dubliners. [...] I met The Dubliners backstage. It was a dream coming true. But it was only possible because they have a Danish tour manager Thomas Hansen. My heart was beating faster than before and my stomach was like a roller coaster. But it was great. [...] You can read the full report here in Danish. Thanks to Claudia Schulz for the translation!