[Personal message from Patsy to all his fans and friends]


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Final December 08 update

Will ye please stand up and take a bow, laddie! Me's talkin' to you, Liam! Lads and lassies, raise your glass to Liam Donohue, the photographer who took a bunch of grand pics back in Dec at Vicar Street! The fella below, mind you, is his brother Ger (of Ger & Ank L.A. fame, for those in-the-know, y'know!) and we want to put down that the Donohue Bros. are very good pals. Many a pint was emptied celebratin' the rare ould times. So please will y'all grab your beer and follow me to the gallery displaying a whole lot of excellent brand-new Vicar Street shots - enter right here!

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