[Personal message from Patsy to all his fans and friends]


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Independent.ie: Tales of a golden age

Independent.ie logoBarry Egan of the Independent followed the band shortly during the German tour this year:

Dubliners:Tales of a golden age
Fond memories of Luke Kelly, Ciaran Bourke and Ronnie Drew accompany The Dubliners as they prepare to perform A Time To Remember in Dublin this Christmas. On tour in Germany, Barney McKenna and John Sheahan treat Barry Egan to a glimpse of the rare oul' times

That's how he opens his article, dated Sunday December 13, in the Independent. The story is full of fond memories of Luke, Ciaran and Ronnie. This time it's completely in English so please follow the link below.
Thanks to all those sending the link - you know who you are!
Independent.ie: Tales of a golden age

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