[Personal message from Patsy to all his fans and friends]


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Cheltenham, UK - 12 March 2010

Telegraph.co.uk logoThere's a blog by janh1 on the Telegraph homepages about the Town Hall concert last March which is more detailed than we're used to from third-party sources. Here are a few quotes:

Once settled with his tenor banjo, he seemed happy enough alongside the others, [...]plus Patsy Whatchorn (vocalist, banjo, percussion) who fitted in like the regular he's become. [...]They staged a beautifully constructed programme of songs backed with photographs of the band throughout their career [...]Molly Malone which brought an excellent, exhilarating gig to a sweet, mellow, satisfying close.

If we could get your attention to read the full review, here's de link, as janh1 would put it.

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